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Youngstown Area's Recreational Cycling Club

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About US

Out-Spokin Wheelmen is Youngstown, Ohio's recreational cycling club that has been active for over 51 years. Our 200+ membership includes bicyclists from Northeast Ohio and Western PA.  

Rides are planned and led by club members to include a variety of rides varying in distance, speed, terrain and location.  We enjoy hiking in the off season.  Other activities include Game night, Hike and Pizza party and monthly dinner night out.  Check the schedule for each month's activity.

Our Club sponsors two invitational rides each year. SICCO (Spring In Columbiana County Ohio)  NEOC (North East Ohio "Cookie" Century).  Information is available on the website. 

The OSW supports safe riding practices on all rides and encourages participants to read and understand the Rules of the Road.  Safety Tips

Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month. The social hour is 5:30-6:30 pm.  Meeting starts promptly at 6:30.
Come join us!!

Meeting location:
Davidson's Restaurant and Tavern
3636 Canfield Road
Youngstown, OH 44406