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Ride leaves Branch Coffee House at 11:00 AM
Be early to enjoy a cup of coffee with your friends.
10-12 miles low-moderate pace.
1393 Boardman Canfield Rd
Boardman, Ohio
Call David Hughes 330.692.2468
Come join the Hangover Bike riders for a cup of coffee before sending them off to the park. Then, join the non-riders for a walk in the park to start the year off right.
Meet at Perkins on Rt. 224 just West of South Ave. At 9:00AM
for breakfast. No reservations required.
Bring an appetite. Questions call Bob 330.770.4204
Davis Center, Mill Creek Park
Meet at the Davis Center to undecorate the OSW Christmas tree at 11:00. This will give everyone plenty of time to have breakfast with Bob and get to the gardens. Afterward, we will do a 4 mile hike in the park for anyone who wishes to do so.
Call Ed Howley for any questions 330.770.1489
Niles Trail Head Parking Lot
Meet at the Niles Trail Head Parking Lot. Four-mile round trip walk on the trail. No walk if the weather is unbearable. Call Lori at 330-550-3621, if there is no answer, leave a message, I come to the hike from work.
Scholl Recreation Area
Mill Creek Park
Meet in the Scholl Recreation Area parking lot. Walk around two lakes and the connecting foot pathes. Roads may be used in place of trails if conditions suggest it. No hike in ice.
The Youngstown Tune-Up co.
Just an easy ride, nothing aggressive
Latin acid detox
Ps use this number instead, other phone smashed just incase wrong number shows up
Meet at Mocha House in downtown Youngstown at 11:30 for lunch, then head to the Butler Museum for a 1 p.m. tour. The tour is one hour or longer, depending on how many questions are asked.
Niles Bike Trail Parking Lot
Meet at the Niles Bike Parking Lot for a winter walk on the bike trail. This is a four-mile walk—you can turn around anytime if it is too much for you. No walk if the weather is unbearable. If you have any questions, call Lori at 330-550-3621. I leave work and come straight to the walk.
Holiday Valley Ski Resort
every Wednesday
Ski "no wait Wednesday" with the Goodtimes Ski Club in January, February and March for the low price of $50 for an all-day pass. Two-day passes are $85.
But you have to be a member to get those rates. You can join by calling Mary Kane @ 234-308-9749. Memberships cost $10
We generally carpool up there to arrive at 9am. If you call Mary and tell her you are coming, she will have your tickets there when you arrive. Even if you only ski once this year, it saves money to join as a regular day pass is over $90!! You can call me if you want more info.
The January meeting will be at Davidson’s on January 15th at 5:30 pm for dinner with the meeting to follow at 6:30 pm.
Meet at Perkins on Rt. 224 just West of South Ave. At 9:00AM
for breakfast. No reservations required.
Bring an appetite. Questions call Bob 330.770.4204
Niles Trail Head Parking Lot
Meet at the Niles Trail Head Parking Lot. The hike is a four-mile round trip. If the weather is unbearable, we do not walk. Call Lori at 330-550-3621. If there is no answer, leave a message. I come to the hike straight from work. Stop at Cadence afterward for a cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and a snack.
Fellows Riverside Gardens
Let’s meet at Fellows Riverside Gardens at 11:30 am. We will walk to the downtown area and stop at the Mocha House for lunch or coffee. After that, we will go to the Ward Beecher Planetarium. Seating is at 1:30 and the 1 hour presentation “Perfect Little Planet” is at 2pm.